
About the Project

Hi! Currently, I’m a high school freshman from New Jersey. After one of my teachers told me that I couldn’t listen to music in class because it was “distracting”, I decided to research if it was true as I and many of my peers listen to music when doing schoolwork. After doing research, I became interested in how the environment around us affects us physiologically and how we can use our environment to our advantage.

I decided that I wanted to help people by finding the perfect work environment. How to do that was a whole different story. After a lot of research and time put into this project, I came up with four environments for four different scenarios. This is information that I believe people can use in their daily lives.

How I Accomplished This

As stated above, I put a lot of time into this project. I mainly used the resources available to me (books and google) to guide me. One topic that I researched a lot was the psychology of colors and how different colors affect our mood. Additionally, I researched different things in our environment that help us focus. Finally, I conducted a survey among students at my school asking about their preferred work environments. I also utilized the Myer-Brigg’s MBTI personality types to see if there was a connection between a person’s personality and their preferred work environment.


Resources I Used

“Color Psychology: Does It Affect How You Feel?”

“The Fonts That Make You Remember More”

“22 Science-Backed Study Tips to Ace a Test”

Hamilton: The Revolution (Book)

“Network Science and the Effects of Music Preference on Functional Brain Connectivity: From Beethoven to Eminem”

“Psychological Properties of Colours.”